About the Cited-by category

Researchers cite other people’s work to acknowledge the material they used when writing their own paper. It’s useful to see which articles go on to cite the paper you’re reading, and how it may have built on or challenged its ideas.

Cited-by allows Crossref members to find out who is citing their content. Members can then display the counts and link to the citing content on their own work. Cited-by counts are publicly available, but only the member can see the details of which sources are citing their works.

Participation in Cited-By is optional but free to all members who are actively registering their references with Crossref.

You can read more about this service, as well as accessing multi-lingual factsheets and short videos, in our education documentation on our website.

Please use this topic to post questions, join a discussion, or help another member with issues related to Cited-By.

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