Anais de eventos/resumos

Tenho dúvidas em como publicar DOI para resumos de Anais de eventos.
Recebi um pedido de um editor de revista e estou bem confusa.
Nunca fizemos via formulário de depósito web a publicação de DOIs para resumos/anais/e-books… e a dúvida que surgiu é: como fazer?
Um Periódico quer disponibilizar/hospedar (via OJS) um suplemento com os resumos de um congresso (Anais), mas, caso o depósito dos DOIs seja feito via OJS, eles serão depositados como artigos de periódico e não como trabalhos de Anais de evento. Sei que uma alternativa é depositar via formulário de depósito web, porém, tenho dúvidas de como preencher adequadamente o formulário.

  1. Após preencher a parte 1 com os dados dos Anais do evento, para inserir os resumos a fim de que cada um tenha o DOI, terei que fazer um por um na segunda página, na opção/botão “Adicionar outro”?
  2. O editor do periódico sempre informa o link do DOI dentro do arquivo PDF de cada resumo/artigo. Nesse sentido: posso solicitar o DOI de cada resumo antes das publicações dos PDFs (por causa da URL específica do resumo)? Ou posso criar uma lista com os DOIs e, depois da publicação, fazer a validação via Web Deposit? Ou, ainda, há algum outro meio para isso?

Agradeço desde já!

Thanks for your questions, Rubia, and welcome to the Community Forum. Good questions. See my responses below:

After filling out part 1 with data from the Annals of the event, to insert the abstracts so that each one has the DOI, will I have to do it one by one on the second page, in the option/button “Add another”?

Yes, that’s exactly what you’ll need to do. I’m inserting step-by-step instructions here for registering your conference metadata via the web deposit form:

Broadly speaking, to register a DOI for a conference proceeding on the web deposit form, use the following steps:

  1. Select the Conference Proceedings data type
  2. Enter the Conference-level metadata on the first page of the form. At minimum this includes Conference title, Proceedings title, Publisher, ISBN, and at least one (print or online) publication year
  3. Select ‘Add Papers’
  4. On the second page of the form, enter the metadata for the first paper in the proceedings (paper title, authors, at least one publication date), and the paper’s DOI and URL
  5. Click ‘Add Another Paper’
  6. Continue to enter article metadata, DOIs, and URLs until you’ve entered all chapters for the given proceedings, or as many as you wish to do in a given session.
  7. Click ‘Finish’
  8. Enter your username and password and click Login
  9. Enter your email address and click ‘Deposit’

We also have a web deposit form video tutorial and full instructions for using the web deposit form in our documentation.

The journal editor always informs the DOI link within the PDF file of each abstract/article. In this sense: can I request the DOI of each abstract before the PDFs are published (because of the specific URL of the abstract)? Or can I create a list of DOIs and, after publication, validate them via Web Deposit? Or is there any other way to do this?

Ideally, you’d publish and register the DOIs simultaneously, but that’s not always possible, so we ask you to publish and register your DOIs within 24 hours of one another.

Here is a suggested workflow for depositing DOIs and metadata in order to register your content. We also provide a suffix generator tool to help you create suffix strings which comply with best practices (suffixes should be opaque, unique, and short). Download the suffix generator (macro-enabled .xlsm file). When you open it, choose Read-only , and Enable macros .

  1. Create a spreadsheet to keep track of DOIs assigned (primary list). Use one tab per prefix. Add columns for suffix, full DOI, and URL (you can add others if you wish)
  2. Generate suffixes using our tool (or invent them yourself), and add each suffix and full DOI to the primary list
  3. Each time you create a new content item, add its URL to a new row. Display the DOI from the same row on your content item, following our DOI display guidelines
  4. Deposit the the DOI and its associated metadata with Crossref. The DOI is only active once it is registered with us.

Checking for duplicates: the suffix generator should be sufficiently random to avoid creating duplicates. However, if when you deposit the metadata with Crossref, if the system says the DOI has already been registered, remove it from your primary list, and use a new suffix.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

My best,