How to safelist an IP address?

My name is Azhar, a coordinator for two publishers in the Crossref DOI database. As one of the requirements in proposing the iThenticate similarity check, our journal website should be able to be indexed in the Turnitin database. For this reason, the Turnitin admin asked me to whitelist their IP address so that they could access my full-text URLs. They found that my site has received a timeout error indicating that it takes too long to download the articles. I have searched for it on Youtube, but I have yet to find it. Anybody could help me with how to whitelist an IP address?

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Hi Azhar,

You’ll need to contact your hosting provider and ask them to safelist Turnitin’s IP range. You can find this range here:

If you need more support on how to do this, I would recommend reaching out to Turnitin’s support at

I hope this helps!

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