How I can get doi prefix for my journal and publishing house? I can’t understand the process
Hi @shimulbhuia - thanks for your question and welcome to the community forum!
I see that you submitted an application for membership for your organization two days ago. We have received it and will process it in the order in which it was received. Yours is one of the next few applications that I or my colleagues will check; we are usually able to check these applications in 2-3 working days after they are received.
If we have questions about your application we will ask you during this checking period. Once all of our questions are resolved, we proceed onto the next step in the application process. We will follow up with you internally in the next day or two after we have checked your application.
In short: don’t worry, you have done everything right so far and you will hear from us again soon with any questions or instructions for the next steps.
If I can help with anything else please let me know.
Dear Sir,
How can I get the DOI for Journal of Education Innovation and Language Teaching (JEILT)?
Thanks for your kindness.
With best regards,
Than Chhorn (PhD)
Hello there @jeilt ,
If your organization is not yet a member of Crossref, please read over the membership information on our website, and select one of the options at the bottom of the page to submit an application.