Rerefence distribution option for journal/articles

As per 4.4.2 schema we can set reference_distribution_opts attribute for journal_metadata tag.

Are we still required to set it for every journal_article item too? Or does it set equal to journal_metadata value if it’s not given?

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Hi @hdogan ,

Thanks for your question. Apologies for the delayed response!

I can set an entire prefix’s worth of references to open, if that’s what you’d like to do. Just let me know and I can toggle settings in our system to make all registered references against a prefix or set of prefixes to open.

My best,

So, if I understand right, setting journal_metadata tag reference_distribution_opts attribute in deposited XML file does not effect reference distribution.

Schema documentation is not clear about that attribute when using it for journal_metadata tag. (Like, does it overwrite reference distribution attribute value for all journal_article records in that deposited XML file?)