Visualizing JSON Files for Crossref's API: Get Ready for Our Demo!

Hello there! Before we dive into our upcoming demo on Crossref’s API, let’s make sure you’re all set to visualize JSON files. Click the following URL, which contains a simple request to our API:

If you get a structured document such as the one to the left, you are good to go. If you see a text such as the right-side screenshot, you will probably need to install a JSON viewer plugin.

Here are some suggestions, however, feel free to try other options:

During our upcoming introduction to Crossref’s API, we’ll guide you through the basics of API requests and help you build simple queries to retrieve data, such as works related to authors and funders. If you have a particular example you’d like to see or any questions in advance, don’t hesitate to let us know in the replies.

Stay tuned for more updates, and we can’t wait to explore the world of Crossref’s API with you!

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