Is there a way to check whether an https-post led to successful content update?
For a first submission, I currently check whether the DOI becomes active (e.g., but repeating a curl/wget request looking for a forward/302/200). That tells me whether the initial registration succeeded. So far so good.
However, how can I [automatically] check whether an update has taken place? I looked at the content retrieval API - but it seems to take time for the DOI to appear (e.g. in the search, or via https://0-api-crossref-org.library.alliant.edu/v1/works/). Is there a way to retrieve the updated metadata more quickly, so I can check “proximately” to submission?
Alternatively, can I embed a tag into the upload (or, e.g., use the batch_id) and then check this in the metadata/another way? One way might be to use the update date on https://0-api-crossref-org.library.alliant.edu/v1/works/, but the delay makes it fairly complicated…
The submission triggers an email. Another possibility would be to automatically access that mailbox and check these against batch IDs submitted. I.e., we’d keep track of the batch IDs our side, and then compare against the incoming emails. It would be much easier if we could just query against the batch id. I.e., this would work https://0-doi-crossref-org.library.alliant.edu/servlet/submissionAdmin?sf=detail&submissionID=1507081405… but we don’t have the submissionID on submission… so something like https://0-doi-crossref-org.library.alliant.edu/servlet/submissionAdmin?sf=detail&batchID=ABCD.
Or maybe accessing https://0-doi-crossref-org.library.alliant.edu/servlet/reports making a post-request with the DOI?
Any thoughts for what is practical and robust?