I am exploring a highly automatable process that can be used by a DOI registrant. I suspect this process is novel and enables a new kind of DOI registrant **. For lack of better term, I’ll refer to this process as that of a “fingerprinter”. I use this term in the sense of a digital fingerprint [1]. My hunch is Crossref is the right registration agency for a fingerprinter.
Before I get too far documenting this process, I wanted to ask whether anybody is aware of similar efforts or documents I should read?
The object identified by a fingerprinter is an automatic procedure that uses a changing digitally recorded history of declarations by authors about digital scholarly documents. At a given point in time, this procedure resolves a fingerprint-based DOI link to a JATS XML file. The procedure also identifies rich information about a history of declarations by authors about JATS XML files. As the digital history of declarations by authors changes, so to does the exact digital JATS XML file resolved.
I would like to be a DOI registrant to develop and test this new fingerprinter process hosted on popgen.es using some of the scholarly documents that I write (e.g. :castedo.com/doc). I hope some of my braver colleagues will test this out with me too. I think it might lead to important insights and open-source code that future DOI registrants will want to use.
In the particular implementation I would like to test, the digital scholarly document is a JATS XML file. The digital identification of authors is via ORCID. The digitally recorded history of declarations by authors is done with cryptographic hashes [2]. Cryptographic strength is preferable but not a hard requirement.
Does this ring any bells for anybody? Anybody thinking of something similar?
I plan to post more details about this and ask about testing this idea out with a new DOI prefix.
Thank you,
Castedo Ellerman
** The closest discussion I have seen to this topic is [3].
[1] :en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fingerprint_(computing)&oldid=1084076041
[2] :en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cryptographic_hash_function&oldid=1077451766
[3] :pidforum.org/t/creating-resolvable-pids-without-registering-them-in-a-registry-through-cids-and-ipfs/1165