Duplicate key exception

I received this error from Crossref email:

"batch_id": "apsxref:7a3dd694-be53-433d-bffb-02fc9caf43b5",
    "doi": "10.1103/PhysRevD.110.114025",
    "msg": "Duplicate key exception",
    "submission_id": "1661159289"

I can’t find anything specific on the Crossref domain that explains this error, but I get the impression that this error is just letting us know that this DOI was resubmitted. Can you provide some insight into what the duplicate key was? I assume that we are submitting XML multiple times and this error is letting us know that.

Hello @mklem ,

Thanks for flagging that error to us. We thought we fixed this last month. I have simply rerun submission 1661159289 and that cleared things up. I have flagged this error back to our technical team so they can investigate the underlying cause. If you see this error again, please do let me know.


Hi Isaac,

Received two of these errors this morning.

{“batch_id”:“apsxref:7e4cdc1e-a2e1-4f07-a60f-3861ac7dbd48”,“doi”:“10.1103/PhysRevB.110.235146”,“msg”:“Duplicate key exception”,“submission_id”:“1661916663”}

{“batch_id”:“apsxref:28768b4a-7755-4579-91d9-3ae8c777b690”,“doi”:“10.1103/PhysRevFluids.9.124802”,“msg”:“Duplicate key exception”,“submission_id”:“1661916295”}

Do you need to know about these errors?
Can I just resubmit the xml when I receive this error?

Thank you