I just tried the new helper tool and find it very difficult. I want to be able to select issues to add articles to without having to type in all the metadata again. I’m a tiny publisher and we publish content on a rolling basis so this interface is unwieldy and time-consuming - I also want to be able to find articles and add stuff to them easily - again not sure how to do this in the new webDeposit interface - am I missing something. The new system seems to have made it much more difficult.
Hi @dcrc. Thanks for your message, and welcome to the community forum. The web deposit form - CrossRef - DOI Deposit Form - is not the new helper tool that our Sara Bowman referenced in her blog about content registration next steps. Instead, the web deposit form is our oldest helper tool. We recommend its use over Metadata Manager because the web deposit form is stable.
The web deposit form was not designed to hold your metadata so that you can return to it and make updates. You can make updates using the web deposit form, but you have to re-enter the existing metadata into the form. That’s right.
Our technical team is hard at work on the new helper tool.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions,
I’m looking forward to the new tool, thank you for all the great work being done. I belong to a very small journal and have been using Metadata Manager to be able to correct mistakes done during registration using the OJS built in tool. I’ve had to manually register the latest articles we’ve published and I noticed that some appear on the list in the platform while others don’t. Would love if you could include beginner tutorials that introduce the very basics for new users.
Best regards,
Thanks for your message @Annv, and welcome to the community forum.
I’m glad Metadata Manager has been a valuable addition to your workflow. One thing to note with Metadata Manager is that we decided before launching it to not preload any existing member content. We have members with thousands of journals and hundreds of thousands of journal articles, so we decided against that approach because of the volume and overall load it would put on the system and our members. That said, there is the ability to add existing articles - those registered outside of Metadata Manager - to your account. You can find the documentation for these steps here: Registering new articles and working with volumes/issues - Crossref
It’s important to note that this functionality - adding existing articles to your journal workspace - is one of several recurrent issues that led us to the difficult decision to retire Metadata Manager. I’m hopeful you’ll be able to import those existing articles that need updating. If not, our web deposit form is an alternative: Web deposit form - Crossref.
Hello all,
It’s time to revive this topic as we have made a lot of progress on the new content registration helper tool for journal articles. I took over this project from @sbowman last year and am now building on her fantastic work to hopefully get the first version of the tool live in the next few months.
I have shared/am sharing an update in today’s community call - look out for a recap of the call being shared soon if you missed it! - and am inviting participants of the call to contribute to this thread if they want to keep the conversation going.
Many of you in this thread have already expressed your interest in being involved in the development process and making your feedback heard. While we may be able to make a beta version of the new tool available very soon to those with access to our test system, I would also invite you to schedule a 1:1 call with me via this link if you’d like a live demo and/or an in-depth discussion.
Also, watch this space for more updates coming soon on where and how you can make your first journal article deposits using the new tool.
As announced at our recent #Crossref2024 event, the new journal article registration tool is now accessible to all members at manage.crossref.org/records. Simply sign in with your regular Crossref account and follow the steps in the form to submit your article metadata.
We are still developing additional functionality for this tool and it is not yet a true replacement for Metadata Manager. For example, members currently still need to register references separately on Simple Text Query after registering articles using the new tool.
We will make more announcements before retiring Metadata Manager for good.
In the meantime, we appreciate any feedback you’d like to share - you can do so here or by using the feedback widget within the tool itself.
Querida Lena,
Espero te encuentres muy bien.
Tuve oportunidad de usar la nueva herramienta, me parece fácil de usar, muy intuitiva, pero tengo algunos comentarios:
Quisiera poder subir varios artículos en un solo registro, ¿se podrá lograr esto? La razón es que nosotros subimos números completos que contienen hasta 25 artículos.
Ojalá pronto se puedan registrar al mismo tiempo las referencias.
Quisiera poder encontrar fácilmente registros antiguos para poder descargarlos y actualizar, esto ya que si en el momento no descargué el archivo ya no puedo encontrarlo de nuevo.
Espero que puedan tomar en cuenta estos comentarios antes de que retiren la herramienta MatadataManager.
Gracias y hermoso día!
thank you istol
Good news. We will provide the necessary clarifications and support to our sponsored members
best wishes
Buenas tardes, en realidad quiero subir 10 artículos y no se cómo hacerlo. Agradezco me ayuden.
Borja Capote
Thank you for the information
Thank you for your information!
Best regards
Hola @unamex
1.- ¿utilizas OJS para tus revistas? el OJS asigna y activa los DOI´´s automáticamente
2.- Para registrar referencias de DOI´s ya publicados, puede ser desde el mismo OJS o existe una herramienta que se llama Simple Text Query en el cual pones las refrencias y el DOI y se actualizan
3.- si utilizas el OJS solamente lo vuelves a depositar en Crossref y se va con todos los metadatos actualizados
(English below)
Gracias por sus mensajes. Actualmente estamos trabajando para añadir una función que le permita enviar otro artículo en la misma revista o número sin tener que introducir de nuevo los metadatos de la revista o número. Le informaré cuando esté terminada. Hasta entonces, si quiere registrar 10 o 25 artículos, tendrá que añadir manualmente los metadatos de la revista y el número cada vez.
Una función integrada de envío de referencias y la posibilidad de actualizar los metadatos de artículos enviados previamente son las próximas actualizaciones previstas después de esta, así que espero que la herramienta le resulte mucho más útil pronto.
Thank you for your messages. We are currently working on adding a feature that will allow you to submit another article in the same journal or issue without having to enter the journal/issue metadata again. I will let you know when it is finished. Until then, if you want to register 10 or 25 articles, you have to add the journal and issue metadata manually each time.
An integrated reference submission feature and the ability to update the metadata of previously submitted articles are the next planned updates after this, so hopefully you will find the tool much more useful soon.
discuss further via Whatsapp: +6282236423734
Hi Lena!
I just uploaded a paper using the tool. Here are my comments:
It was great to see it links the author’s institution as a RoR and solves the problem of organizations with the same names, for instance, the author is from the “Universidad del Valle” in Colombia, and the suggested list gave more geographical information. This helps a lot and saves lots of time.
Another one about the lists, it’s great to know that the language is both in English and its own language. Also, collecting this metadata is really valuable. Was this collected before? As explicit as the tool does?
In the Licence URL I still think it could have a box for Creative Commons Licence, when checked, you can find the different CC Licenses.
I don’t really know how the workflow works when I download the record, but I’ll do it to search the use afterwards. Right now, as a user, I don’t want to risk the time I’ve invested in the process.
- We talked about this one in the past. It is a pain to go back and search de ISSN and eISSN. I think that the lists as in the institution and language module could be really helpful, as the following example:
You can either put the name or the number and select the option, and the autofill could remain the same.
- Something Metadata Manager fulfilled the most was that you began the addition of the new record in the issue and volume, and you didn’t have to worry about this
I mean… I think about this just because I want to save time.
- Last, it would be great to integrate the Simple Text Query in the tool, as Metadata Manager did. Less time, again. But, I think the message is clear and the access to STQ makes it all easy.
I hope this feedback helps.
Nicolás Mejía-Torres
Coordinador de Revistas Científicas
Dirección de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica
Universidad de La Sabana
Embajador de Crossref
Edificio Ágora, primer piso
Campus del Puente del Común
Km. 7 Autopista Norte de Bogotá
Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Hi @nicolas.mt7, always appreciate you taking the time to give such detailed feedback
I’m glad that the look-up lists have some fans. As you suspect, the information of which language an abstract is in cannot be submitted via Metadata Manager. The Web Deposit Form does accept abstract language data for a single abstract.
Your points 3 (CC licence dropdown) and 5 (find journal titles without knowing the ISSN) are very much on our radar as desirable improvements. Searching all the journals registered with Crossref by title and then auto-filling the missing information from there is not trivial technically, which is why we decided to go with this simpler implementation to start with.
Also, yes - 6 and 7 are points that we’ve heard a lot and which we are currently working on tackling. It’s important to us as well to save everyone time, but also there is more risk of making mistakes when re-entering the same data over and over again.
And, on the topic of references (point 7): Metadata Manager does have a built-in reference matching tool, but it is not as sophisticated and reliable as Simple Text Query. We’ve even heard from some members that they rely on STQ to deposit their references despite using Metadata Manager. So we don’t just want to reproduce what is currently available.
Getting in one last update before the holidays, for @unamex @nicolas.mt7 and anyone else who was quietly hoping for this change:
You will notice that when you get to the end of a journal article metadata submission, you can now choose to make another submission within the same journal or journal issue. This opens a fresh article form and pre-fills the journal and/or issue metadata as appropriate so you don’t have to re-enter it.
Next stop, references. I’ll be back
That’s great to see, Lena! It’s a wonderful gift for the community, and we will definitely appreciate it.
Hahaha, also, best wishes with the references! You’ll be back
I’m looking forward to any help I can give.
Nicolas Mejía Torres
I am indeed back, this time with a reference deposit feature. You can now register journal articles including their bibliography at manage.crossref.org/records.
Unlike in Simple Text Query and the old Metadata Manager, there is no intermediate step here for you to review the attempted matches to existing Crossref DOIs. For technical reasons, the matching can only happen once the metadata have already been deposited. Behind the scenes, the references are sent to the Crossref system as “unstructured” references. This means that the more information you can include in the list, the higher the chance that the references will be successfully matched to the corresponding records in our database and thereby included in Cited-by. Of course, including the DOIs of cited works is the very best way to ensure you get accurate matches.
If you prefer to review the matching results before depositing your references, you still have the option of using Simple Text Query after registering the rest of the article’s metadata. But we wanted to make it possible to do everything in one place.
Looking forward to hearing and seeing how this works for you all!
Querida Lena,
Qué excelentes noticias, con la posibilidad de anexar más artículos al mismo tiempo, y esto de las referencias, se escucha genial. Pronto haré algunos envíos para probar el funcionamiento.
Ahora me ha surgido otra duda: se podrán depositar revistas que no tengan ISBN, nosotras tenemos algunas y hasta ahora las depositamos con Metadata Manager, pero quisiera saber si también estará disponible en la nueva herramienta.
Muchas gracias por todo.
Excelente día!