New/different prefix to publish something different?

We publish a journal and also some books/monographs.

How can I obtain a different DOI prefix for a book,
so that it is not published under the same DOI as our journal ?

Thank you for help,
Janusz Springer
Publishing Office
Medical University of Gdańsk

Hi @MedUofGdanskPublish ,

Thanks for your question, and welcome to the Community Forum!

Your DOI prefix may be used for all of your content registration needs - across all content types. We have members who use a single prefix to register all of their content; some have registered thousands of journals, books, and other content under one single, shared prefix.

We recommend using a single prefix for all your content registration needs, if at all possible.

My best,

Hello Mr. Farley,
Thank you very much for your quick response.

I failed to mention that our DOI prefix is dedicated to our journal (Eur. J. Transl. Clin. Med) and NOT our entire Publishing Office.
This is the reason why we cannot publish this book under the journal’s DOI because of the simple fact that the journal does not publish books.

Therefore, is the solution to obtain a new DOI for our Publishing Office ?
Please advise,
Janusz Springer

Ah. I see, Janusz. In that case I see why you might want a different prefix for your other content. Can you send us the details to so my colleagues on our membership team can help?
