OJS Crossref plug-in video demo (in English)

Hi All,

You might find this video demo by Michael Nason from Public Knowledge Project useful. Mike kindly recorded this for our recent Indonesian webinar series and it gives a quick demonstration of how to register your DOIs and metadata using the Crossref OJS XML plug-in.

Any questions, as always just reply below!

Kind regards,



Thank for the video.
I am using OJS version and have assigned a DOI to an article using Crossref Reference Linking. It is now over one week but when I visited the article page and clicked on the DOI for testing, the message I received was: DOI NOT FOUND.
The above video only demonstrated Crossref XML export. Is there any requirement that I may have not fulfilled?

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Hi @Mayi !

Thanks for your message and welcome to the community forum!

It’s possible that there is an error with your submission on our end. If you can provide me with some additional details - your username and/or DOI prefix and a submission ID from our system or the date and time you attempted to register your content with us - I can investigate. Please send me message to support@crossref.org.

Alternatively, it’s also possible that the problem is with the configuration of OJS, which, unfortunately, I cannot provide as much guidance with. If that is the case, I’ll refer to the the appropriate links within/at PKP/OJS.

My best,

Hi @Mayi
Send a tutorial for reference linking and OJS. If necessary!