When an person logs into their ORCID profile, scrolls to the Works section and uses the “Search and Link” Wizard to connect to CrossRef Metadata Services, does that create a one-time push of information from CrossRef Metadata Services, or is this a continuous link where any new metadata records in CrossRef with that person’s ORCID will be automatically pushed to the person’s ORCID record because of the connection they made?
Hi @karen.gutzman ,
Thanks for your message, and welcome to the Community Forum. The “Search and Link” Wizard can be used for one-time pushes of information from Crossref to ORCID. You’ll need to manually push each of those records yourself to your ORCID profile in order to establish the link between your ORCID iD and the individual DOIs in question.
Comparatively, ORCID auto-update can be used for a continuous link of Crossref metadata to your ORCID profile, for those DOI records that include your ORCID iD in the metadata registered with us. You can learn more about this here: https://support.orcid.org/hc/en-us/articles/360006971293-Auto-updates-in-third-party-systems-Crossref
Warm regards,
Hi Isaac,
We are trying to create a video and a guide for our users with detailed steps on how to auto-update their ORCID record with data from trusted parties, such as CrossRef. We are having some difficulty feeling like we understand the instructions - my colleague has yet to publish papers, and I connected CrossRef Metadata Search quite awhile ago and don’t remember the steps.
Based on this very helpful guide (libfaq.ntu.edu.sg/faq/263190) we read " The Crossref auto-update process is granted from a message within your ORCID Inbox (Crossref is currently the only system which uses the ORCID Inbox to send auto-update requests). The request is sent to your ORCID Inbox after a publisher submits a new work to Crossref, with your ORCID iD embedded in the metadata. If you choose to grant long-lasting permissions, Crossref will then update your record automatically whenever a new work associated with your ORCID iD is found in their system - from any publisher"
Our questions related to this are: Since we are not generally showing users the ORCID Inbox, is checking the ORCID inbox and approving the auto-updated from within the message, the only way to create an auto-update connection, or is there some other more user-friendly way that we could use instead? Also, most importantly, can you provide us with two screenshots - one of what the CrossRef auto-update message looks like in the ORCID Inbox before the message is opened, and one of what an opened message from CrossRef in the ORCID Inbox looks like so that we can tell users what to expect.
Also, for people who have yet to publish in a journal or entity that is indexed in the CrossRef Metadata search, is there any way they can set up an auto-update connection for future publications? Or must they wait until they publish to create the connection?
Hi @karen.gutzman ,
Thanks for following up. I think ORCID’s documentation on auto-update is a critical piece that you should include in your guide. You can access ORCID’s documentation here: https://support.orcid.org/hc/en-us/articles/360006896394-Auto-updates-time-saving-and-trust-building. There is also a screenshot in that link of an example ORCID profile and ‘authorize access’ message, but I’ll walk through each step below so this is documented here for you (and others).
- In order for us to connect an ORCID iD to a DOI, the ORCID iD of the contributor in question must be registered with us in the metadata record of the DOI in question by the Crossref member responsible for that record, like this example DOI 10.1190/INT-2016-0411-FE.1 (link is to the full metadata record of this journal article):
<person_name sequence="additional" contributor_role="author">
- When the registration of the DOI and ORCID iD is made with Crossref, a notification should appear in the contributor’s ORCID inbox asking that contributor to authorize access for Crossref, on behalf of the publisher member, to auto-update their ORCID record going forward. That notification to the contributor’s ORCID inbox looks like this (Note: I don’t have a recent example from my ORCID inbox, so I have borrowed the image from ORCID’s documentation):
- This should be all the necessary steps that most contributors need to take to enable auto-update. But, if contributors have changed the settings of their notifications, they may miss these notifications. Because of that, we ask all contributors interested in auto-update to also ensure that they do not have their ORCID permissions “An ORCID member wants your permission to add or update my ORCID record” set to “Never (no emails or inbox notifications)” (in the screenshot below, I have selected a ‘weekly summary’).
I hope these steps help.
As for your final question:
Also, for people who have yet to publish in a journal or entity that is indexed in the CrossRef Metadata search, is there any way they can set up an auto-update connection for future publications? Or must they wait until they publish to create the connection?
No, there is no way that I know of for a contributor to proactively turn this on within their ORCID profile/inbox prior to that first authorize access notification.
Warm regards,