Crossref xsd 5.3.1

I need to know what’s the chages on crossref xsd 5.3.1
and how this will be deposited in crossref 5.3.1
< contrib-group >

< contrib contrib-type = "author" >

< name >< surname >Weinstein</ surname >

< given-names >Melvin P.</ given-names ></ name >

< aff >Departments of Medicine and Pathology, UMDNJ-Robert

Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New

Jersey 08901-0019</ aff >

< address >

< institution >Departments of Medicine and Pathology,

UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School</ institution >

< addr-line >1 Robert Wood Johnson Pl.</ addr-line >

< addr-line >New Brunswick, NJ 08901-0019</ addr-line >

< country >USA</ country >

</ address >

</ contrib >

</ contrib-group >

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Hello, and thanks for your question.

You can find the list of changes made in schema version 5.3.1 compared to the prior version (4.8.1) on our documentation site.

The xml snippet you posted uses the JATS schema, not the Crossref schema. Are you asking how that same information (author names and affiliation) would be formatted in our 5.3.1 schema?


Thanks alot

yes that’s what I mean
how the author affiliation and address will be formatted in 5.3.1

The equivalent author metadata would look like this

<person_name sequence="first" contributor_role="author">
                        <given_name>Melvin P.</given_name>
                                <institution_name>UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School</institution_name>
                                <institution_place>New Brunswick, NJ</institution_place>
                                <institution_department>Departments of Medicine and Pathology</institution_department>

You can see an example deposit with multiple authors and multiple institutional affiliations here.

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