Hi support,
I am a service provider to publishers in Germany, supporting them in metadata creation and distribution.
Currently I am trying to post files using the https POST method for user “woch” in publisher
group " Wochenschau Verlag Dr. Kurt Debus GmbH".
I am posting to https://0-doi-crossref-org.library.alliant.edu/servlet/deposit for user “woch” (login_id) with its PW (login_password)
The credentials work well when signing in to the admin pages.
The POST does not create an error but the file is never added to the submissions and I receive the following html as a response (removed some empty lines):
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I used this upload method about 2 years ago already and with success.
What is wrong? Does the user needs an additional right to post via https post?
Am I using the wrong names or IDs?
I am available for live testing if need be, please feel free to mail to arrange a time.
Herbert Barkmann
BARKMANN software & services