Hi all
I am a new crossreff member and I have many questions:
1- I got prefix and set an suffix for me. Should I start with previous articles (years ago) by giving it doi ? or just the articles that has been released since our membership with Crossif began?
2- Previously, We did not agree with a sponsor and he contacted crossreff to get doi. If previous articles got doi and we changed the prefix, would we give it the new doi and need to deposit it?
3- If our journal’s website is running OJS V.3 , is it sufficient to use it to deposit articles, or is there another step we can take to deposit issues on crossreff site ?
thank you
Hi Ankush,
On the OJS side, my recommendation (PKP representative here) would be to make sure you’re running at least version 3.1.2. It uses a new deposit API with Crossref that is more reliable than prior versions. You can find our documentation for the plugin here: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/crossref-ojs-manual/en/
Thank you lwilkinson , mnason for reply
We use OJS
and we planning to move to the latest OJS version
But how we know if there is previously articles had doi and deposit to crossreff?
Hi @Ankush. If you’re wanting to look up a single DOI to see if it has been registered with us, you can enter the DOI into our Metadata Search interface. If you get results, then that DOI has been registered.
My best,
Hi ifarley
Sorry for my questions, but we would like to follow the correct steps to avoid issues that may face.
I will divide questions into the following points:
1- we use OJS to deposit the articles to crossref and the links of doi is working, but the articles still in Submitted stage.Is there any extra incomplet step?
2- We received an e-mail refer to that there are conflicts among our DOIs . the report showd 20 conflicts
we solved it manually by click make selected doi primary … for each cnflict id
Is this procedure correct for the solution? how do solve them all in one lot?
and if we wanted to delete wrong doi completely, how do that? (This repetition because when there was a sponsor for us for a while and because of disagreement with our institution, and there are many dois for some documents has been registered with old prefix)
Hi @Ankush, I´ll be answering point 1. See if that is it. Marked active in OJS plugin.
A- see and mak the articles;
B- click Mark active button;
C- status will be Marked active.
Hi @Ankush,
I do know that at least one of the previous versions of OJS has a bug in it that prevents the status message displayed, as you have highlighted above, for at least some users and their content from updating - essentially that submitted status is locked in place even though the metadata has been submitted and registered with us. Like I said, the easiest way to confirm if a DOI has been registered with us is to enter the DOI in the Crossref Metadata Search here: https://0-search-crossref-org.library.alliant.edu/
The procedure for solving those conflicts is correct. You can solve all conflicts in one lot by uploading a text file to our system. I’ve added more details about resolving conflicts below, since the process usually requires some human review of the DOIs in conflict.
As for deleting DOIs, we aren’t able to fully delete or withdraw DOIs, since DOIs are designed to be persistent. If a DOI is a duplicate of another DOI, like in your example, the DOI that you do not intend to maintain should be aliased to the DOI you will be using in the future (as described here: http://0-support-crossref-org.library.alliant.edu/hc/en-us/articles/215713363-Assigning-primary-and-alias-status)
Conflicts need to be resolved in one of 3 ways:
- Update your metadata
- Create aliases between DOIs (for duplicate items)
- Accept a conflict as-is (for items that are ‘legitimate’ conflicts)
Update your metadata
If conflicts exist because the metadata you’ve deposited is sparse, you should re-register your content with the complete metadata included. The conflict status will be resolved when one (or both) items are re-registered with distinctive metadata. To ensure that the Crossref system updates the appropriate content item, be sure to supply the correct DOI in your submission.
When making an update you must supply all the metadata for the article, not just the fields that need to be changed. During the update process, the Crossref system completely overwrites the existing metadata with the information you submit, including inserting null values for any fields not supplied in the update.
If the new metadata resolves the conflict, the Crossref system returns a message such as this one (which resulted from a redeposit of the metadata for DOI 10.50505/200702271050-conflict):
<record_diagnostic status="Success"><doi>10.50505/200702271050-conflict</doi><msg>Successfully updated</msg><resolved_conflict_ids>352052</resolved_conflict_ids></record_diagnostic>
Note that while submitting new metadata may resolve one or more conflicts, it might also spawn new ones. For example the following XML results indicate that submitting data for 10.5555/DOI2 resolved two existing conflicts (17 and 21) but created a new one (134).
<record_diagnostic status="Warning"><doi>10.5555/DOI2</doi><msg>Added with conflict</msg><conflict_id>134</conflict_id><dois_in_conflict><doi>10.5555/DOI2_IN_CONFLICT</doi></dois_in_conflict> <resolved_conflict_ids>17,21</resolved_conflict_ids></record_diagnostic>
Create aliases between DOIs
If you have registered multiple records for your content, you can alias the duplicate items to the record you intend to maintain. Records are aliased at the identifier (DOI) level. When DOIs are aliased, one DOI is flagged as the ‘primary’ DOI. The primary DOI is the DOI you intend to maintain in the future. The remaining DOIs are aliased to the primary DOI at the DOI resolver level. This means that when someone clicks on an aliased DOI link, the user is automatically re-directed to the URL registered for the primary DOI.
You can create aliases between DOIs using our system interface or by uploading a text file to our system. Conflicts involving DOIs owned by other members must be resolved by Crossref staff, please contact support for assistance.
Accept conflicts as-is
If you’ve determined that the content flagged with conflicts are not duplicate items, you can remove the conflict status by setting the status to ‘resolved’. This has no impact on the metadata records or DOIs but will remove the conflicts from our conflict report.
We also have more information in our support documentation about conflicts. I suggest starting here: https://0-support-crossref-org.library.alliant.edu/hc/en-us/articles/214241086-Conflicts-overview
Please let me know if this answers your questions.
My best,
Thank you for your help, @edamasio. The screenshots are most helpful!
Thank you for your help, edamasio , ifarley
Your explanations were complete, clear and very helpful
Best Regrades
Very happy to help, @Ankush. Have a lovely day.