We are trying to link our articles’ references using query batch deposits. Unfortunately, this method seems to be unable to resolve very obvious citations that other methods easily find DOIs for.
For example, if we upload this using a doQueryUpload
operation at doi.crossref.org/servlet/deposit
(headers omitted for clarity):
<query key="rb11" enable-multiple-hits="true">
<unstructured_citation>KIRBY, Douglas (2002) «The Impact of Schools and School Programs Upon Adolescent Sexual Behaviour», Journal of Sex Research, vol. 39, no 1, p. 27-33.
It gives this result:
<query key="rb11" status="unresolved" fl_count="0">
<article_title>«The Impact of Schools and School Programs Upon Adolescent Sexual Behaviour», Journal of Sex Research, vol</article_title>
<journal_title>39 no 1</journal_title>
However, going the metadata deposit route including citations (doMDUpload
), the metadata submission result contains the right DOI:
<citation key="rb11" status="resolved_reference">10.1080/00224490209552116</citation>
Even stranger, the DOI is resolved correctly if I upload the exact same query batch as with doQueryUpload
, but with the « Interactive query upload tool » at /servlet/submissionAdmin?sf=showQueries
<query key="rb11" status="resolved">
<doi type="journal_article">10.1080/00224490209552116</doi>
Please note I have tried different combinations with the enable-multiple-hits
and secondary-query
attributes and that they all gave the same result when uploading through the doQueryUpload
method: DOIs are not resolved.
Also note that it doesn’t seem to be an isolated case, as initial tests show that most of our citations do not seem to resolve event if they have “obvious” DOIs.
Thanks for any help,
Béranger Enselme