Odd metadata submission / rendering

The output for:

curl -LH "Accept: text/x-bibliography; style=american-journal-of-botany" http://0-dx-doi-org.library.alliant.edu/10.6165/tai.2023.68.148

…erroneously produces a JSON blob:

{“volume”:“68”,“issue”:“2”,“page-first”:“148”,“container-title”:“TAIWANIA”,“author”:[{“literal”:“Atsushi EBIHARA”},{“literal”:“Shuichiro TAGANE”},{“literal”:“Shun K. HIROTA”},{“literal”:“Yoshihisa SUYAMA”},{“literal”:“Narumi NAKATO”},{“literal”:“Li-Yaung KUO”}],“language”:“en”,“abstract”:“Spicantopsis hancockii (Blechnaceae) was once thought to be endemic to Taiwan, and later known to occur in the Tokara Islands in southern Japan. Because of its high morphological similarity to S. niponica endemic to Japan, the identification of the Tokara Archipelago populations has been controversial. MIG-seq analysis using 2324 SNPs revealed that S. niponica and the samples of S. hancockii from Taiwan formed two distinct clusters, while the population of S. hancockii in the Tokara Islands was included in the cluster of S. niponica. Micromorphological traits of sporangia observed in the Tokara populations coincide with those of S. niponica reported by the previous study. Therefore, it is appropriate to treat the Tokara populations of "S. hancockii" as the southernmost range of S. niponica, not as S. hancockii. As a result, S. hancockii is resurrected as an endemic species to Taiwan.”,“type”:“article-journal”,“title”:“Resurrection of Spicantopsis hancockii (Blechnaceae) as an endemic species to Taiwan - Reidentification of Spicantopsis in the Tokara Islands, Japan”,“issued”:{“date-parts”:[[“2023”,“6”,“1”]]},“URL”:“”,“DOI”:“10.6165/tai.2023.68.148”}%

Hi, and thanks for your question.

Crossref is only one of several DOI Registration Agencies.

10.6165/tai.2023.68.148 is registered through one of the other agencies, Airiti.

The Content Negotiation service that the Curl request is calling is only fully supported by Crossref, DataCite, and mEDRA.

It’s interesting that the request returns any metadata at all, even if not in the appropriate format. But, you’d need to contact Airiti directly for more information or support. You can reach them at service@airiti.com

Just to note, our API only contains metadata records for Crossref DOIs, but it does have a function which will tell you the registration agency for any DOI. The relevant query looks like this

So, https://0-api-crossref-org.library.alliant.edu/works/10.6165/tai.2023.68.148/agency returns

"agency": {
"id": "airiti",
"label": "Airiti"


Aha! Thanks, Shayn. I did not stop to check the RA.