Web deposit form entered data correction

I have taken two dois for a journal and its first issue. Then a few days after I would like to take 6 dois for the articles of this journal. According to the webinar I have entered every input about the articles through web deposit form. But now all the dois even the ones that I have taken before gives the error in the submission reports page such as “update metadata”.

I have entered all the data again and again but I did not find where is the wrong entrance so I going to be mad please help!

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Hi @Fatima ,

Thanks for your message, and welcome to our community forum.

When you register your content via the web deposit form, you should receive two emails from us. The first will be an email that includes the XML that you have created in the form. The second is the submission log for that XML that was created. In this second email message, there will be a submission ID. The submission ID will be in the title of the email, but will also appear in the body of the message, too. This ID is unique to that submission. If you can provide me with that submission ID, I can investigate the cause of your error.

The submission ID in the body of the message will look like this:

Generally speaking, the most common causes of errors in subsequent registrations for new(er) journals deal with consistency at the journal level - does the journal title you have entered into the web deposit form match EXACTLY with the journal title previously registered with us? If you are using a journal-title-level DOI in your submissions, is it also consistent from one submission to another? Again, if you can provide me with that submission ID, I’m happy to investigate.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Isaac,
Thank you for your email. Our submission ID: 1499890285 If you can find where is the mistake in my entrances I can correct it and take my dois .

I am waiting for your urgent response.
Thank you

Isaac Farley via Crossref Community Forum <crossref@discoursemail.com>, 31 May 2021 Pzt, 18:04 tarihinde şunu yazdı:

Hi @Fatima ,

The issue here is that some of the ORCID iDs have trailing spaces in them:

<journal_article publication_type="full_text">
<title>Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Window Height and Gas Thickness on Heat Transfer and Gas Flow in Double Pane Windows</title>
<person_name sequence="first" contributor_role="author">
<person_name sequence="additional" contributor_role="author">
<given_name>Evrim </given_name>
<ORCID>https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6912-9633 </ORCID>

See that second ORCID id? The 0000-0002-6912-9633? It was entered into the web deposit form with a blank space at the end of it. Since blank spaces are not permitted in ORCID iDs, the submission failed with the following error:

<msg>Error: cvc-pattern-valid: Value 'https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8923-4852     ' is not facet-valid with respect to pattern 'https?://orcid.org/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{3}[X0-9]{1}' for type 'orcid_t'.
Error: cvc-complex-type.2.2: Element 'ORCID' must have no element [children], and the value must be valid.

Sometimes this happens when the spacebar is pressed at the end of the entry, but often times this occurs because a copy/paste has added that space, and usually that is because formatting was included in the copy/paste. Therefore, we ask that members paste without formatting using a plain text editor when using the web deposit form.

I have corrected these trailing spaces in your ORCID iDs and resubmitted your XML. All of your DOIs in this submission have been updated, as you can see from the submission log below. You can view the submission here: https://0-doi-crossref-org.library.alliant.edu/servlet/submissionAdmin?sf=detail&submissionID=1499989911

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<doi_batch_diagnostic status="completed" sp="ds4.crossref.org">
   <record_diagnostic status="Success">
      <msg>Successfully updated in handle</msg>
   <record_diagnostic status="Success">
      <msg>Successfully updated in handle</msg>
   <record_diagnostic status="Success">
      <msg>Successfully updated</msg>
   <record_diagnostic status="Success">
      <msg>Successfully updated</msg>
   <record_diagnostic status="Success">
      <msg>Successfully updated</msg>
   <record_diagnostic status="Success">
      <msg>Successfully updated</msg>
   <record_diagnostic status="Success">
      <msg>Successfully updated</msg>
   <record_diagnostic status="Success">
      <msg>Successfully updated</msg>

Dear Isaac,
Thank you very much for your help about corrections. I have forgotten to enter one article to enter to the system. I will arrange it. But I wonder something if I make any mistake in the entrance of the last article, will other dois you have entered and corrected be unreachable again or only the one that has a problem will be unreachable? Meanwhile the last article is an ebook will it be a problem.

Best regards

Isaac Farley via Crossref Community Forum <crossref@discoursemail.com>, 1 Haz 2021 Sal, 20:16 tarihinde şunu yazdı:

Hi @Fatima,

None of the 8 DOIs that I registered had an error in them, so they should all be reachable or resolvable now. They’re registered and active.

As for eBooks, they should be registered as books using the web deposit form.

Broadly speaking, to register a DOI for a book on the web deposit form, use the following steps:

  1. Select the Book data type
  2. Enter the Book-level on the first page of the form. At minimum this includes Book type, title, DOI, URL, Publisher, ISBN, and at least one (print or online) publication year
  3. Select ‘Add Chapters’
  4. On the second page of the form, enter the metadata for your first chapter (chapter title, authors, page numbers if available), the chapter DOI URL
  5. Click ‘Add Another Chapter’
  6. Continue to enter article metadata, DOIs, and URLs until you’ve entered all chapters for the given book.
  7. Click ‘Finish’
  8. Enter your Crossref username and password, and your email address
  9. Click ‘Deposit’

If you don’t want to register a separate DOI for each book chapter, you can skip steps 3 through 6.

We also have a web deposit form video tutorial and full instructions for using the web deposit form in our documentation.

My best,