Title already has a handle, can I assign a DOI as well?


A title published by our university press is shared via Open Access at the author’s home institution. They have assigned the title a handle.
Our university press would like to host a copy of the open access title on our campus digital repository and they have requested that we assign a DOI.
I’m wondering about how to deal with this request. Since the title already has a handle, would it be duplicative to mint a DOI? It is the same epub file for both BUT they would resolve to different repositories.
Any advice on how to proceed would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Hi Francesca,

Thanks for your question.

Yes, that should be fine. It’s alright for the same item to have a Handle identifier and a DOI.

It’s a fairly common scenario for a publisher to register a DOI for an article in their journal, and for an author’s home institution to host an author accepted manuscript version of that same article in their repository with a Handle registered.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


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